So, as per usual in Mimics “offence” on Warden, they achieved quite the spectacle. The resulting hilarity was the hooking of VirtualQueryEx. Sure, nothing wrong with that, right? Wrong. They’re also hooking VirtualQuery for good measure; lets take a look at VirtualQuery...

76126201 >  8BFF            mov edi,edi
76126203    55              push ebp
76126204    8BEC            mov ebp,esp
76126206    FF75 10         push dword ptr ss:[ebp+10]
76126209    FF75 0C         push dword ptr ss:[ebp+C]
7612620C    FF75 08         push dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
7612620F    6A FF           push -1
76126211    E8 BAFFFFFF     call kernel32.VirtualQueryEx
76126216    5D              pop ebp
76126217    C2 0C00         retn 0C

So in summary, they’re hooking redundant API, including window finding API (which, might i add is pointless).

Attached are Hookshark images showing how easily detectable Mimic is. (Yes, you can see my WardenLogger; woopty doo!)

Image #1
Image #2


  1. Merc said...
    I'm a little userland hook, short and stout.
    Here is my handle and here is my spout.
    When I get all steamed up, hear me shout.
    Tip me over and maybe we should have just hooked the syscall to NtUserBuildHwndList instead of all that other shit, too.
    kynox said...
    You know what? Mimic probably read this. I expect them to have that in the next version.
    Cypher said...
    Merc: NtUserBuildHwndList isn't exported in usermode. You'd have to scan for it at runtime which wouldn't exactly be pretty.
    Merc said...
    Cypher: that's exactly *why* you should hook that one, since it'll be a lot harder for Warden to find your hook. Pawing around by walking calls from EnumWindows or scanning for patterns is not something they want to do.

    You have the advantage of agility. It must be used to its full extent.
    Anonymous said...
    Wow, is it the famous glider Mercury? Hey can i have an internet autograph in the comment field? :D pls it would mean a lot to me
    Cypher said...
    Merc: True. But you run the same risk they do. Code like that is inherently 'less stable'.

    Besides, in usermode, manual syscall > any api hooks you have. :P
    Merc said...
    Yeah, it's definitely a tradeoff on stability. But those tradeoffs usually favor the little guy with the more forgiving customer. ;)

    I'm not calling for mad crazy shit all the time at any cost, but I think the "right" spot for me, at least, is measured risk over safety.
    SIL said...
    .46 is out
    Anonymous said...
    SIL, i think cypher already dealt with the new 0.46
    Anonymous said...
    Another blog to troll, weehoo. Well done. :P

    Anonymous said...
    Thanks Merc... only thing I asked for was an internet autograph... guess you're too elitist for that...

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